
Posts Tagged ‘Chrissi’

Observation #2

October 17, 2011 1 comment

Observers: Chrissi Nerantzi

Date: 19th October 2011, 10am

Location: Newton – B2

Subject: Engineering Communication – Sustainability Week 4

Number of learners: Approx. 100


This is a first year module; the students are primarily male with several international students within the group.  In the first week the students were given the option of two lecture styles, they could either have a traditional chalk and talk, or they could work through the handbook outside of lectures and then have the lectures run in a similar fashion to a tutorial but with additional focus on discussion and recap slides.

Learning outcomes to be achieved during the session

The students will be expected to be able to describe/define alternative energy production techniques and discuss what these technologies mean with regards achieving carbon neutral status.

Brief session outline

The session will start with an introduction of my observer and why they’re there, then a quick recap of the previous three lectures at great speed to reinforce what I expect them to know already to act as a gentle reminder.

The rest of the session will be a combination of presenting the slides and describing the associated carbon saving technologies and energy generation technologies with a series of questions and exercises thrown out to the class along the way.

Rationale for session

This module is a short thin module and 80% is assessed via an exam, with the other 20% being assessed by coursework.  The session requires the students to have read their handbook but unfortunately they don’t always read it.  The intent of the presentation style is to create a series of linked images and narratives so as to make the elements memorable to trigger memories whilst they’re revising or reading their handbooks, similar to Tony Buzan’s memory techniques.  However, I recognise that not all students do this so I’ve encouraged them to make written notes using the Cornell system and I also prepare a typed and printed handbook which was issued in week 1.

Are there any aspects of the session you would like the observer to focus on?

Nothing specific, all feedback is welcomed.